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Red Spiders In Texas

Red spiders in texas. Most spiders in Texas are black and brown. Some come in different colors, such as white or yellow, and some can write.

This guide reveals red spiders that are common in Texas homes and gardens. You will find out where you will find these spiders, why they enter homes, and most importantly if they’re poisonous to humans.

Keep reading to find out the answers.

Red Spiders In Texas


1. Woodlouse Hunter Spider

woodlouse hunter spider

Woodlouse Hunter Spiders are a common enemy of woodlice in Central Texas, especially in Austin. A lumberjack spider is red with orange legs, six eyes, and eight legs!

Their abdomen is quite prominent, shiny, and yellow-brown. Woodlouse hunter spiders earn their name because they feed on woodlice.

These spiders like to hide during the day, and then at night, they hunt down woodlice. They are nocturnal arachnids.

2. Red Dwarf Spider

red dwarf spider

The red-eared slider is often found in the wild, and it is most commonly associated with the central portion of the United States.

Once popular pets, however, they can now be found freely roaming in Texas.

They are the state mascot of Texas and can often be seen lounging on top of their “turtle shell.” Baby turtles have red stripes, which fade as they grow into adulthood.

Now grown up, the red-eared slider measures about 6 to 8 inches; their skin is smooth and greenish-brown on their upper torso but was previously black at birth.

This turtle feeds mainly on aquatic plants, insects, mollusks, fish, and crustaceans.

3. Red Crab Spiders

red crab spiders

Red crab spiders belong to the Thomisidae family. They come in various colors like white, brown, yellow, and red.

Spiders belonging to this family possess two pairs of legs projecting forward, making their appearance of a crab seem authentic—mainly because they also have an abdomen resembling that of a crab!

The other four pairs of legs on their tiny bodies are short and thin. The red-colored crab spider is most common in eastern Texas than anywhere else.

This species doesn’t spin webs for prey but rather strike at them either with powerful fangs or by trapping them with the front-facing claws instead.

Red crabs are diurnal creatures, meaning that they are active during the day and Night.

4. Hackle mesh Weaver Spider

hackle mesh weaver spider

The hackle mesh weaver spider, also known as the Tangle-web Spider or the Night Spider, is one of the different kinds of spiders found in Texas.

It might not seem like it, but this kind of arachnid lives around the southwestern parts of Dallas.

They can be commonly seen hiding in dried grass and underneath loose tree bark, rocks and logs.

Both males and females of this species are quite similar in size, with males usually growing between 1/8th and 9/16th inches (3 mm to 7 mm) while females grow up to 7/16th inches (4 mm).

The hackle mesh weaver spider doesn’t just live outdoors, though, as they have been known to enter homes through cracks in bathroom walls during the winter so they can overwinter there.

A good thing about hackle mesh weaver spiders is that they don’t bite people or pets they eat bugs.

5. Red House Spider

red house spider

Finally, the most common red Spider in Texas homes is the red house spider. The red house spider looks like the dwarf spider, but it’s a bit bigger than the dwarfs.

A mature female red house spider grows up to 7 mm in size, whereas the males are only 3-4 mm.

The abdomen of the red house spider is darker than its body color, and these spiders crawl pretty fast.

The red house spiders hide in typical hiding places of any house spider. They’ll hide in cracks and gaps in the walls, furniture, and floor.

But the most common places where you’ll find them are areas with low lightings, such as cluttered areas with little natural light.


Spider infestations are tricky to deal with because they’re sneaky, and they hide in the most inaccessible places of your home.

Spiders seem to find their way into homes more when the weather becomes unbearably cold, but you can also find them creeping among the corners of your living room year-round, ready to strike if you happen to upset their territory.

To rid your home of spiders for good, lure them out by hand-picking spiders where you know they live, such as your garage or another area in the house besides living quarters!

Use this handy guide from ABC pest control specialists to learn all about common Texas home invaders who are covered in fur or scales and threatening your property.

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