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Cluster Of Mosquito Bites

Cluster of mosquito bites. Since most bug bites look similar, you might find it difficult to identify bites on your body.

You may at least know if you’ve been bitten by a mosquito, but maybe not by other kinds of bugs. If you suspect you have a bug bite, read further in our guide to learn signs of insect bites.

So that you can narrow down some causes of the red bumps on your skin. This article also helps homeowners to get rid of different types of bugs in their home and keep them from coming back.

One must do their best to protect themselves from getting bitten by mosquitoes and other unwanted pests.

Cluster Of Mosquito Bites

Mosquitos can be quite toxic and dangerous, especially for certain people who are allergic to the bites of these pests. Male mosquitoes don’t bite and only feed on flower nectar so they aren’t much of a bother.

The female bites however are itchy and if left alone, may become infected with bacteria which can affect fertility in women and cause widespread epidemics around the world.

This is why it is important to take steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites as early as possible or else negative consequences may ensue sooner than you think!

1. Fleas

fleas bugs

Fleas are small insects that enjoy residence in the fur of mammals. They are parasites that need blood to survive.

So if you find fleas on your pet or even worse in your home then you can count yourself lucky because these tiny beasts aren’t something to be taken lightly.

When a flea bites it plunges its spiked jaws into the flesh of the host animal and starts to drink blood; whatever is left of its meal (flea larvae) will go through just as much discomfort when they also get sucked up by their parent.

Since fleas are usually attracted to heat, they’re more prone to biting you when it’s warm instead of cold. Though fleas love a host body (like you!) that moves about.

The best way to get fleas off your skin is by using a sterile cotton ball or tissue which has been doused with rubbing alcohol.

Flea bites may itch or appear as red bumps at first, but will develop into rashes on your skin within a couple of days’ time unless you do something about it.

No one likes getting flea bites, but they are not hard to avoid. The best place to get bites is your boudoir. Such furnishings as couches and rugs can also be affected.

2. Bed Bugs

black bed bugs

Biting bed bugs are a nuisance. These pesky critters feed on the blood of humans and they feel most comfortable at night when you are sleeping.

Bed bugs have a proboscis, which is a needle-like mouth part that is inserted into your skin for feeding purposes.

Once inside your body, the bugs release an anti-clotting chemical to prevent your blood from clotting and also include an anticoagulant for absorption.

After feasting on your blood, which lasts about 5 – 10 minutes longer depending on how much they take in a sitting, their bodies swell with nourishment.

The bed bug then goes back to hiding and falls asleep until its next meal time! Since these pests bite you repeatedly during the night when you sleep, it’s no wonder why you have red bumps all over your body in the morning.

Bed bugs prefer to feed on human blood, and will bite any exposed skin. If you have bed bugs in your home and you have pets or children, it’s important to take extra precautions to protect them.

Once they’ve finished feeding, bed bugs will find dark places like clothing, sheets and furniture around the house to hide in.

Because of this, you may want to wash your sheets and vacuum after each infestation. Bed bugs are most active at night when people are sleeping, which means bites often occur on exposed skin of the arms, hands or face.

3. Chiggers

chiggers bugs

Chiggers are like fleas and ticks, except these critters feed on your skin cells. They’re minuscule bugs that can leave you scratching for days, but you can’t see them with your naked eye!

Chiggers are the mites, who have no interest in sucking your blood although that’s what most people associate them with. Instead, chiggers survive on dead skin and dried out cells.

In the US alone, chigger season runs from spring to fall, with June being their most active month! These pesky little bugs multiply very quickly in hot weather, so be wary of getting bitten by one of them where it’s warm!

The bites themselves don’t hurt much because they’re so small but they do itch and irritate the skin making it a petrifying process. The best thing to do shall be to avoid chiggers whenever possible.

4. Rat Mites

rat mites

Now, except for the squirrel mite, these other three types of mites are not known to bite people. So that’s a good thing.

They could be present on your clothing and although you might experience some itching or irritation from simply being around them, they aren’t known to inject any harmful substances into an otherwise healthy person like some other pests would.

The one thing about chigger bites is that once it does bite you, it tends to get under your skin quickly and cause a lot of itching and irritation.

Which can even swell in size if you don’t take preventative measures such as putting calamine lotion or hydrocortisone on the wound or area where it has bitten you.

5. Head lice

head lice

Head lice are tiny biting bugs that bite in the head, around the neck, and even on areas of hairy skin throughout the human body.

The signs they or their eggs make are small reddish lumps on the scalp, around the neck, or in other hairy parts of the body.

The bite caused by them causes intense itching and can be especially troublesome while lying down at night.

White sesame-seed shaped eggs may be seen as well as brown bugs which look like tiny insects that may appear to be walking thereon.

Some might think it difficult to remove from their head, but if you use a doctor’s help then it becomes easier.

Is there a reason why bugs bite in clusters?

The first reason you have so many bug bites is because there are so many different bugs in your home, and they’re not just in one or two places – they’re all over the place.

These tiny and / or microscopic bugs are also hard to spot, which means your infestation is probably bigger than you think.

With bugs that no one else can see but that swarm your house freely by the dozen, an infestation can really grow fast before anyone notices it.

The second reason you have bug bites all over your body is because a bite from these bugs doesn’t count as their blood meal until they actually get their teeth into you!

Usually, that doesn’t happen on the first try. Bugs will go after multiple parts of your body on a continual basis until they finally get what they want a full belly.


This article revealed types of typical household bugs that leave behind distinctively shaped bite marks. You have also found out exactly why these kinds of bugs leave bites, reasons why they only bite in clusters, and what the distinguishing symptoms are.

Also, there is a list of pests mentioned in this article that do not leave bites on your skin but many people believe they do. The best way to protect yourself from being bitten by a bug is to take steps to prevent an infestation in your home.

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