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Booklice In Rice

Booklice in rice. In this post, you’ll discover why there are booklice in rice and how to get rid of them without throwing away your grains.

Booklice isn’t a pest you’d immediately think about if asked to name pantry pests. This is understandable – unlike moths or weevils, booklice are rather unassuming, merely appearing like tiny little bugs crawling around your food.

But they have the potential to cause significant damage too: warm and humid conditions they adore makes them highly resilient, so a small infestation can easily turn into a major problem if not dealt with right away.

Let us delve deeper into the matter.

Booklice In Rice

booklice in the rice

A common food source for many creatures like rodents, rats, mice and other bugs is spilt rice because of the high moisture content.

Ambrosia is a type of plant mold that thrives in environments with high humidity like bathrooms or kitchens where there are sources of water.

If there is an abundance of these plants near your pet’s food dish there is a greater chance that pets may be infested with phorid flies.

Here are some ways to get rid of booklice in rice:

1. Deep clean your kitchen

Firstly, you should be aware that a kitchen is prone to bug infestation due to excessive food crumbs and grime.

Once you take care of the mess, wipe down surfaces in the kitchen from top to bottom, sweeping away residual bits and pieces of food everywhere.

This will help remove excess food which can support the growth of roaches along with other bugs. In addition, we recommend wiping down cabinets and drawers especially underneath them where a lot of people often forget about or neglect.

2. Reduce moisture in your home

Plumbing is a very important part of your house or apartment. You should regularly check the water pipes under your sink, in the bathtub and sink, and anywhere else that you may find water leaking to make sure there is no moisture buildup.

This includes basements, the garage, laundry room and any other area where you might encounter water stains or leaks.

If there is a leak or build-up of moisture anywhere in your home, you can use disinfectants to eradicate mildew or mold spores that will attract all kinds of pests like booklice as well as mosquitoes.

Also make sure to periodically clean gutters and downspouts if your climate is prone to it since this excess water can lead to an increase in humidity levels – potentially causing harmful mould growth which not only attracts pests and insects but has detrimental effects on your general health.

3. Rice Need to be heated

It’s an ingenious step which can help you tackle book lice in rice. You will first need to divide your rice into different containers – don’t take more than 10-15lbs of rice at a time and make sure to label the container accordingly so you know for certain what’s supposed to be in it.

Then, place each container inside one of your ovens set to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit for about 15 minutes.

After that’s been done, get rid of anything that is dead and dispose of it as recommended by local codes.

Transfer your newly cleansed rice from the oven to an airtight storage jar where they should remain until they are ready to be used again.

4. Rice Should Be Placed Under Sunlight

The invertebrate pests that infest rice and grains will be attracted by the light (UV rays) and if the room is dark, they’ll stay near the windows to escape from it.

Hence, you can use this fact to get rid of them. You do not need an M.S in Physics for this!

The next time you spot houseflies or bees settling on your rice, spread some grain over a sheet long enough to cover a large area with sunlight shining and strong enough to kill them (and their eggs).

This will also keep your foods safe from bug infestation as well – instead opt for insecticides if killing them directly is what you are after.

Is It Dangerous To Consume Booklice By Accident?

Booklice are non-parasitic creatures and strongly resemble beetles because of their hardened forewings. In reality, they are harmless to humans because they feed on mold, grime and fungi.

You won’t get hurt if you eat some booklice accidentally but it’s not advised because their taste is a little bitter.

Sometimes humans mistake booklice for very young termite nymphs, but this isn’t the case at all so please don’t worry!

We’re not saying that you should go out and try to find some to eat, but we wanted to clear things up if you happen to come across some on accident.

What Makes You Think That’s Book Lice In Rice?

If you see a small bug in your rice container, it’s likely that you are witnessing a booklice species. These creatures are often confused with bed bugs but those feeding on booklice will be able to tell the difference since they’re oval while bedbugs are elongated.

The likelihood is that this creature has been feasting on your rice grains and inadvertently spreading their eggs around since they’re nocturnal creatures.

A sure sign of booklice infestation is moldy rice grains or a container becoming quite filthy as these barely visible pests make it their home.

Make sure you get rid of the insects to avoid ingesting any harmful toxins including pathogens linked to food poisoning.

It’s best to wash containers thoroughly using hot water with detergent before use and store them in sealed air-tight containers after washing.


Booklice in rice. From booklice to rice moths, there are several pantry pests that are just waiting for you to leave a few crumbs lying around before they make their way into your kitchen. House centipedes and bedbugs can turn up in your home and ruin your night’s sleep while psocids and bookworms will not just damage books but also infest your pantry. If you find any of this creepy crawlies in or around your kitchen, look no further than this article covering everything from ticks to rats and cockroaches.

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