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Best Sand For Pool Filter

Best sand for pool filter. Every three to five years, the blades in your home’s ventilation system need to be replaced.

This is a crucial maintenance step to ensure they can still do what they are intended to do: remove odors and pollutants from the air.

Why would you even consider doing it yourself with something like an air purifier instead of buying a brand new one?

The biggest reason you wouldn’t is that these filters, although usually priced comparatively cheaply, have some microscopic details that make a massive difference for the assigned task at hand (e.g., removing odors).

Your first instinct might be to go with duct tape or some other makeshift fix, but if you were to try it, we’re sure you would quickly discover that this is not the best idea when you take some closer looks into how these devices are built. If done right, installing a new filter can save you money in the long run.

8 Best Sand For Pool Filter

1. Palmetto 50 Pounds of Pool Filter Sand

palmetto 50 pounds of pool filter sand

Amenities like swimming pools and spas can be a great addition to your home, but some homes cannot fit them.

Luckily, there’s Palmetto pool filter sand that may help you get what you want without spending too much money or undertaking significant renovations on your existing space.

It’s affordable and easy to install; this product is also reusable and will last for around five years before it needs to be replaced.

This best sand for pool filter has no added chemicals and doesn’t cause clogs because it moves smoothly through your pump or filtration system, depending on your pool type.

This sand is explicitly made for filtering sand, so it takes care of everything from bugs, sunscreen, hair, and other debris with kids playing around in the water.

The biggest draw to this product is how economical it is, which makes it perfect if you don’t want to put an unnecessary drain on your financial resources.

2. ZeoSand 50 Pounds Swimming Pool Sand

zeosand 50 pounds swimming pool sand

ZeoSand is slightly different from other pool filter sands because it’s half the weight and can be used in a pool’s filter system.

This makes getting the right amount of this sand easier than normal sand since you only need half as much (by weight).

Although ZeoSand is more expensive per pound because you’ll be using less due to its lightness, some may find it the most cost-effective option.

With a particular type of arrangement in its infrastructure and makeup, this best sand for pool filter doesn’t let larger particles pass through easily; however, even smaller particles have a tough time passing through.

One remarkable trait about ZeoSand is that it can filter out 3 microns, whereas ordinary pool sands have an upper limit of 20 microns!

While reading over these features, we notice one major flaw with ZeoSand: It requires extensive backwashing before adding to your pool, which may be too much hassle for many people.

3. ZeoBest 25 pounds of Pool-Filter Sand

zeobest 25 pounds of pool-filter sand

ZeoBest is a Zeolite filter medium that resembles ZeoSand but has specific benefits. It can filter down to 3 microns which is how clean it can render your water and achieve more transparent water than could be achieved with standard pool sand.

It can hold more particulates. However, it requires backwashing less often than regular sand does.

Unfortunately, the bag of ZeoBest we obtained had the same issues as our experience with ZeoSand, unmasking a greenish tint in our water and requiring copious amounts of backwashing before we could safely use it to return our pool water clarity to normal.

Sadly, despite its weight savings and excellent filtration ability, you will have to decide if it’s worth the tradeoff when using this product.

Once you have it back washed and running, it should be suitable for five years, if not longer, without needing replacement.

4. Mystic White II 50 lbs of Pool-Filter Sand

mystic white II 50 lbs of pool-filter sand

Mystic White Pool Filter Sand is cleaner and purer than the regular silica sand. It’s manufactured in a specific ratio to help the sand filter be more effective and efficient at improving your pool’s water quality.

This comes from white quartz that has been ground evenly into flat pieces that are a lot finer than typical pool filter sand, thus making it remove substantially more gross contaminants from your swimming pool.

However, it also means that smaller objects are removed, so you should not add any small embellishments to the collection after dosing with Mystic White Pool Filter Sand.

One of the unique qualities of this specific product is that even though it may be priced higher than other offerings on this list.

It only takes roughly half a ton of Mystic White Cleaner Sand versus other pool sand brands, which carry 1 ton or more.

5. FairmountSantrol 20-Grade Silica Sand

fairmountsantrol 20-grade silica sand

Refilling your pool filter with sand saves you money. Aquazur Pool Filter Sand is the best kind of pool sand out there!

It is made up of entirely natural materials and has no harmful chemicals, so it backwashes well and quickly.

Refill your pool filter with Aquazur Pool Filter Sand to keep it looking clean and crystal clear; you’ll appreciate how easy this brand of sand maintains your pool because it filters out leaves, insects, suntan oil, water-borne algae, and dirt.

This cost-effective best sand for pool filter filters out small particles ensures that you spend less time cleaning and more time doing what you enjoy outdoors without worrying about bacteria build-up from putting your health at risk from your local water source or buying larger quantities due to clogging problems.

6. HTH Sand for Pools 50 lbs

hth sand for pools 50 lbs

HTH Pool Filter sand is sand with a very distinct granularity which allows it to become one of the most sought-after pool filter sands on the planet.

It is a 20-grade-sized piece of high-quality pumice measuring 0.45mm or 0.028 inches, ensuring excellent efficiency in any pump system application.

Used by many in the industry since its introduction, this pool filter sand has remained popular thanks to its resiliency, consistent grade, and durable design.

This best sand for pool filter may be more costly than the competition, but you won’t regret spending extra on this product as it will function commendably! (100% satisfaction guaranteed).

Although thoroughly washed and pure white in appearance, HTH does not ensure 100 percent natural material direction, nor is there any assurance that it contains zero chemical additives such as dyes or even bacteria/mold suppressants, etc.

7. Quikrete 50 lbs of Pool Filter Sand

best sand for pool filter in 2022

The Quikrete Pool filter sand is excellent white. It’s on the pricey side, so it could add up if you have to buy a new filter sooner than expected.

We tested it out and didn’t like how much of our clean white sand ended up going into the pool instead of the filter itself.

When we placed this in our pool filter with water, it started to move right along down into the tube itself and ruined a good portion of our work without even using it.

We tried saving what was left but spent more time cleaning up afterward than anything else. If you don’t mind spending money, this product could be good for you because it looks clean and pleases visual tastes, even though we can’t speak for its abilities in terms of the filtration process.


What kind of sand is used in a swimming pool filter?

If you’re looking to maintain your pool, you must buy the correct type of sand for your above-ground pool. Playground sand.

For example – although inexpensive and readily available – will not work as it does not have enough silica to keep your water maintained adequately.

It would be best to look for silica “pool” sand, which undergoes a lot more testing before even being certified as suitable for use in pools. As an alternative, you can also purchase filter glass or filter.

How often should I change the sand in my pool filter?

The pool filter sand is the first line of defense against your pool water. It traps dirt and debris that may have made its way into your pristine oasis.

Still, it can become clogged over time for various reasons, such as animal or human hair, which decomposes in warm temperatures creating an acidic environment that eats away at what was once a solid material.

Most experts recommend changing your pool filter sand every five years or so. Still, truthfully, last year, our Director of Maintenance developed his complex algorithm.

Which measures various factors, including how frequently you use your swimming pool and how much water you pour into it on average when you decide to take a dip.

We recommend replacing the existing filtration media if you notice sludge collecting underneath where you usually take out the bucket full for backwashing.

Buying Guide – Best Sand For Pool Filter


1. Price

When you replace the sand in your pool filter, you may be surprised to find out that it takes a lot more bagged sand than you initially anticipated to filter the water.

To some, this might mean having to purchase at least six bags of sand, which can be very expensive depending on what kind of sand you get.

Most filters need one or two bags, and then you’re good to go. Therefore, if you put too much sand in your filter and realize it only requires less than three bags total.

Rather than pitch the extras, place them in a container outside where they can gradually soak up moisture from rain showers over time.

2. Filtration Ability

Most average pool filter sand will be able to filter out the common contaminants from your water. Such types of debris would include things like hair, suntan lotion, oils, insects, dirt, leaves, and small particles of debris.

However, if you’re looking for an even stricter filtration process, some brands can offer types of pool filter sand that can filter out much finer particles.

While typical sand can filter down to 20 microns in diameter, some granular surfaces such as diatomaceous earth or silica sands can biodegrade particles up to a sediment size of 3 microns in under one month.

In contrast, the former may take up to six months to go through any smaller than half a milliliter leaving most people with a very content outcome.

3. Size

Most pool filter sand comes available with a generic grade of 20/40, which is what most pumps can use. Some brands tend to be too fine and will not pass through your filter, even if they are labeled as being the correct size.

Keep in mind that many brands have this problem, and you’ll need the right grading tool to test them all. Otherwise, you might waste money on some brands that aren’t going to work for you.

4. Backwashing

All pool filter sands will need regular backwashing to keep them clean and perform their duty of capturing debris; the amount of backflushing necessary depends upon the type of sand you’re using.

Some sands will require occasional backwashing, while others require quite a lot before working correctly.

Other types of pool filter sand might even have extra dust in the mix, which would create a mess on your pool’s surface that could compromise the filtering process to some degree – so it may require pre-rinsing before use, just like in pools with waterfalls or streams.


Best sand for pool filter. Having great-quality water in your pool is essential. With so many different manufacturers’ offerings on the market, finding just the suitable filter sand to complete your project is not easy. After researching what was available and testing some of our top choices, we can confidently say that Aqua Quartz Pool Sand from Palmetto is a handy choice for high-quality sand without spending a lot of money.

The Zealand product from Zeolite is another good option, but you might rule it out if budget or energy usage efficiency concerns you since it requires half as much medium compared to other products. However, due to its lower weight, this makes it perfect for small pools!

No matter which one you settle on, rest assured that both are tried and tested filters that will provide excellent quality water while saving you time and money compared to pricier sand brands like Intex Filter Sand.

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